FindLaw’s attorney directory has a wide variety of attorneys who can help you with your legal needs. Each lawyer profile includes a biography, education and training, and client recommendations to help narrow your search.

Medical malpractice lawyers focus on cases where doctors deviate from accepted medical practice and cause injury or death to patients. They often work in large firms with a fast-paced workload.

Learn About the Law

The law is a system of rules and regulations that a society or government develops to ensure compliance and justice. It covers a variety of topics, from crime to business agreements. It also ensures that basic human rights are protected, such as the freedom of speech and the right to privacy. Laws are enacted by a legislative body, enforced by law enforcement agencies and interpreted by the courts. There are many different branches of law, including criminal, civil, and family. Other common law branches include contract, property, and international law. The American Bar Association is dedicated to promoting justice and economic opportunity through the rule of law. Learn more about the ABA’s role in advancing the rule of law around the world through its Rule of Law Initiative.

Child Custody and Visitation

The most personal and complex issues that come up during divorce are child custody and visitation. Custody entails who a child lives with, which parent makes significant decisions for the child and how the non-custodial parent maintains a relationship with the child. A judge must determine what arrangement is in the child’s best interest.

The court may order home studies, where a social worker will go to the homes of the contending parents and interview them and their children. It also may appoint a guardian ad litem, a lawyer to assess the case and make a recommendation to the judge.

Legal custody is the right to make major decisions for a child, such as medical or educational matters. It can be sole or shared. Physical custody is the actual living arrangement, which can be sole or joint. Visitation rights are schedules set by the court or mutually agreed upon between the parents. Siblings, half-siblings and grandparents may seek visitation rights. The courts cannot refuse visitation unless it is determined that this would place the child in danger.

FindLaw’s Attorney Directory

FindLaw is a legal directory that receives over a million site visitors per month. It offers attorney and law firm profiles, lawyer ratings, community forums, Ask a Lawyer, a legal news section, and more. FindLaw also provides legal marketing agency services to attorneys, which include website design and search engine optimization.

Many online directories rely on organic traffic to generate recurring revenue. If a law firm’s website outranks the directory, it’s reasonable to assume that this will negatively impact traffic for the directory and its advertising sales.

This is especially true for companies that offer website services and run a directory, since their business model depends on generating ad sales from the law firms they work with. It can be tempting for these companies to promote their own products at the expense of their client’s websites, but this strategy is ultimately damaging.

Super Lawyers

Super Lawyers is a highly respected attorney listing directory that is viewed as a marketing powerhouse by attorneys and consumers alike. It is based on a patented multiphase selection process that incorporates peer nomination and independent research and evaluation of candidates across 70 practice areas and firm sizes. The selection process includes a review of an attorney’s background, legal experience and legal achievements, verdict settlements, transactions, disciplinary record and community service and pro bono activities.

Being selected as a super lawyer catapults an attorney into a broader marketing demographic and also provides professional development opportunities. While being named a super lawyer may seem like a big deal, it isn’t free and it takes a lot of hard work to become a super lawyer.

While an attorney can monetize their profile on the site by purchasing a listing, it isn’t as easy to jump through as simply paying for a Google ad. For this reason, many attorneys opt to not purchase their listing and instead rely on other marketing strategies that provide more value to their businesses.